New Code NLP je set vzorcev, ki jih je sredi 80-tih let prejšnjega stoletja začel razvijati John Grinder, ustvarjalec originalnega NLP-ja in na ta način začel nadgrajevati "klasične" NLP prijeme.
Na začetku v sodelovanju z Judith Delozier, ki je so-ustvarjalka nekaterih aspektov nove kode in kasneje v sodelovanju s Carmen Bostic St. Clair.
Motiv za razvoj New Code NLP vzorcev
V zgodnjih 1980. je John Grinder raziskal področje, ki ga je ustvaril skupaj z Richardom Bandlerjem. Bil je malo razočaran nad nivojem osebne nekongruentnosti NLP Praktikov. Srečal je vrsto strokovnjakov, usposobljenih v NLP-ju, ki so bili sposobni delati čudeže za svoje kliente. In hkrati ti isti strokovnjaki, ki so imeli dostop do močnih vzorcev za osebne spremembe, niso uspevali uporabiti NLP-ja v svojih lastnih življenjih.
Zato se je odločil ustvariti metode, ki bodo odpravile pomanjkljivosti pri kodiranju klasičnega NLP-ja in ki jih bo mogoče učinkovito demonstrirati samo, če bo praktik kongruenten pri samo-aplikaciji teh orodij (če jih bo učinkovito uporabljal tudi v svojem osebnem in poslovnem življenju).
Najbolj pomembni vzorci, na katerih gradi nova koda:
Zato se je odločil ustvariti metode, ki bodo odpravile pomanjkljivosti pri kodiranju klasičnega NLP-ja in ki jih bo mogoče učinkovito demonstrirati samo, če bo praktik kongruenten pri samo-aplikaciji teh orodij (če jih bo učinkovito uporabljal tudi v svojem osebnem in poslovnem življenju).
Najbolj pomembni vzorci, na katerih gradi nova koda:
- Multiple Perceptual positions, especially triple description (1st, 2nd and 3rd position).
- Explicit Framing (outcome, intention, consequences with relevancy challenges).
- Ordering relationships including hierarchies such as logical levels (not to be confused with Robert Dilts' Neurological levels).
- Timelines (which, according to Grinder, were developed initially as an exercise in a joint seminar presented by Grinder and Dilts in the early '80s.
- The Verbal Package (a streamlined version of Meta model (NLP)) with reduced questions, explicit framing and the more refined verbal distinctions such as those named by the terms, description, interpretation and evaluation.
- A single four-steps format for change with a variable 3rd step. The 3rd step usually includes new code games, designed to induce the high performance state. These games include The Alphabet game, the NASA game and variants of Roger Tabb's trampoline exercises.
- Sanctuary: A process for working with an unwanted state that either creeps up on you so slowly that you are not aware of it until you are experiencing it deeply or so quickly you lose control.
- Multiple forms of involuntary signals for unconscious communication.
- Characterological adjectives.
In the late 70s I noticed (JG) a significant number of NLP trained practitioners who were stunningly effective in doing change work with clients yet these same Practitioners had chosen to, or lacked the choice to apply the patterns of NLP successfully to themselves. I therefore set out with the intention of designing a set of patterns that would both correct the coding flaws of the Classic code (roughly my collaborative work with Bandler from 1974 through 1978) that could not be effectively presented unless the presenter was congruent with self application.John Grinder